Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Little One Is Only Three Weeks Away!!!

Today was another appointment at the midwives... Jonnie got to come along too since he got off work at six this morning. He got two hours of sleep then we drove up to Owen Sound. The midwife was one that I had had only once before back in April. Jonnie had never met her before, so it was good for him to be there. She is not one of my primery midwives, but might end up coming if one of the other two are at another birth. Anyhow, she explained to us today about home birth a little, and the complications that could come up in labour just so we are aware of them, and what actions would need to take place.
It looks like we will have to buy a little pool from Canadian Tire since, our bath tub is surrounded on three sides and they would need access to two sides. That is fine by me, we could always use a little pool in the summer or whenever. I am still thinking a water birth, but I may get tired of being in water and just want to be in bed, so both will be set up when labour comes. We still haven't had our home visit, but Jane (my primery midwife) is hoping to come out some time this week. She was set to come out last week, but ended up having three births right after each other, so she couldn't make it.
Today Jonnie got to hear Elliot's heartbeat for the second time, but this time with the dopler which is really loud and a definate heart beat. I was quite excited for him!! I am now 35" round and 135lbs. The midwife said I can still be gaining a healthy amount since I was a good weight before I got pregnant. My blood pressure is normal now, so that is good that it is not still low and dropping. Everything else seems to be going great as well. Elliot still squirms around and flips, but not as much as he used to. He goes crazy when I eat, I am guessing I'm going to now have TWO very hungry boys to feed :)
Carr and I were able to get maternity pics done, and those are on our main page if you want to see. We had a great time the three of us (including Kris who took the pics for us), laughing at each other and joking around. Thankfully our boys were there too so we could get some pics with them. Tomorrow I am full term, and if he is born now, everything can still go as planned. I don't feel anything different though, so I think he's still settled in there for a while.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

36 Weeks and counting...

36 Weeks with a very pointy belly
A little smaller and lower then last week

Carr at 34 weeks and me at 36 weeks

Well, it is now only 27 days till our due date!! This week we have our home visit with the midwives, since we will be having him at home. Last week I moved the pack n play into our room and put up posters in his room, and we put the carseat in place and packed the diaper bag just in case we have to go to the hospital for some reason. I even got his first couple of days outfits picked out with newborn umbelical cord friendly diapers set out with them. Now we just need the baby out... We are hoping to do maternity pics this weekend, both Carr and I. So hopefully the weather stays nice, or we could always do them inside.
As for Elliot's and my health, we are doing great! I get a little tired when I can't sleep at nights from the heat or just not being able to get comfortable. And my fibromialgia has come back in full force again, after a nice secound trimester without it! Elliot continues to roll around and push out his knee and heal which are both very boney and hurt. :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More of the third trimester...

33 Weeks
35 Weeks

Different angle of 35 Weeks belly

Well, today I am 35 1/2 Weeks...
So much has happened over the last eight months it has been crazy! First finding out, then being with morning sickness for a month and a half, then feeling great, then the ultra sound(finding out it's a boy), and more feeling good and visiting the midwives and going to baby group, then starting to feel more tired again, now feeling really bloated and somewhat sore. It's been a journey, that's for sure. And one definately has no idea what it really is like till you yourself are actually pregnant. I have really enjoyed it though, as it has put a couple trying times on our relationship that has brought us closer together and learned about each other more. I don't know how many people could handle the things that come up in the first year of marriage plus being pregnant together, because really it is a part of both worlds. But the Lord has given us much strength, and Jonnie much patience to be able to have our first year of adjustments and pregnancy in one.
I continue to feel closer and closer to wanting Elliot to be out. Pregnancy definately messes with your body! :) I will try to take pics every week now, and my tummy continues to grow!

So Elliot has been definately more noticable moving around in my tummy now. This is a short video of him squirming about taken just a couple of nights ago. It's very cool looking though. I wish I could get a picture of his foot sticking out or something...